Our small but mighty customer experience team is here to help! Whether it’s a styling question, order issues or simply a hello, we’re always here for you!
Email: hello@threebirdnest.com
Live Chat: We have a live chat option when our team is online during our business hours, 7 days a week. The chat will pop up in the bottom right hand corner of your screen, this will be your quickest way to receive a response on any order enquiries or questions.
Phone Number: While we don’t offer live phone support we know texting or emailing isn’t for everyone. You can leave us a voicemail at (925) 281-5332 and someone from our team will be in touch! Please be sure to include your order number and any other details on how we can help.
Social Media: We monitor all of our social media channels comments and messages, however for order issues or enquiries please use our email (above) or live chat option.
Submit a Ticket Here: Using this FORM you can submit a ticket.
Need more help? Check out our help center for all US and International help topics here.